Bill Coomer, a PGA member since 1993, is the director of amateur-professional competitions for the Kentucky PGA Section and the Kentucky Golf Association in Louisville, Kentucky.
Few areas of the country utilize one organization that operates all of the state’s golf associations under one roof like Kentucky does. Under the umbrella of Golf House Kentucky, we provide the administrative body for several organizations. I have been responsible for all of the tournaments that are conducted by the Kentucky PGA and the Kentucky Golf Association since my first day on the job in 1995. In all, I am accountable for approximately 60 tournaments or events each year, 28 of which are Section events for our PGA Professionals. Although there is a lot planning that happens between events and tournaments, a bulk of my work comes prior to the season’s start. Always check the condition of your tables and covers, clocks, banners and signs, tents, coolers, etc. Along with our executive director, PGA Professional Steve McMillen, we coordinate our relationships and agreements with our business partners and sponsors, host sites, and other tournament components. I select prizes and awards and order them well in advance of the tournament date. In addition to a full-time staff of seven, we also hire six to seven interns for the summer months, our busiest time of year. These interns, many of them from college PGA Golf Management programs and others with sports management degrees, are provided with a great working environment and lots of opportunities to learn about the golf industry.
It almost goes without saying that because I plan ahead, it makes my job much easier when the tournaments roll around. As an example, when ordering the awards, I try to order everything during the off-season for two reasons: First, I need to make sure they’re all properly created and labeled. Second, I’m usually able to secure a better price by ordering early and in bulk. That’s also a great way to keep an eye on your budget, and provide a great experience, while being fiscally responsible. Although I work at a PGA Section, many of the things I do can translate to a course, such as working with your award vendors early to secure better bulk pricing.
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