Jamie Komancheck, a past Philadelphia PGA Section Assistant Golf Professional of the Year, is the PGA head professional at RiverCrest Golf Club and Preserve in Phoenixville, Pennsylvania.
One of our most popular events is called Forging the Crest. We are located just a few miles from Valley Forge, so last month we decided to host the first ever cross country golf tournament at RiverCrest. The event was themed around the 1777 winter encampment at Valley Forge and played on the first Saturday in December. We created a nine-hole layout and added several themed props to the event. We made up 1777 American flag tee markers, named each hole after something tied to Valley Forge, had a campfire at the first tee, passed out “marching orders” and “rules of engagement” on the first tee, built a split rail fence guarding the first green and added other little touches.
Our goal was to get 20 diehards to participate. The unseasonably warm temperature brought out 76 players and the event was a tremendous success, to the point where the membership asked for more cross country events to be added to the calendar. We charged $15 to participate and brought in over $1,100 in golf shop credit at the beginning of December. But more importantly, the event created a positive golf and club experience for the membership to end the year.
If you would like to email the author of this Best Practice directly, please email jak@rivercrestgolfclub.com
Editor’s note: The above comments reflect the opinion and experiences of the submitting PGA Professional and are not endorsed by PGA Magazine or the PGA of America.